Read this page before asking questions. Chances are, they have already been answered many times.
A collection of the questions that are commonly asked on /aidg/ threads. Do not hesitate to point out any wrong or outdated information. Last updated: 2021-17-03.
GPT-3 can’t be run on consumer hardware, it’s just too demanding. Old, GPT-2 AID forks (thadunge, clover) and GodAI are still available, but they are inferior even to Griffin in every way possible.
No, the AI is already trained and can’t learn new information.
The AI that the game uses has completed its “training” in 2019, where it has consumed 410 billion byte-pair-encoded tokens (words) from a filtered version of Common Crawl—representing about sixty percent of its weighted pre-training dataset. Other sources include 19 billion tokens from WebText2 representing 22% of the weighted total, 12 billion tokens from Books1 representing 8%, 55 billion tokens from Books2 representing 8%, and 3 billion tokens from Wikipedia representing 3%. If you wish to learn about this further, the link to the research paper can be found here.
If it existed before/during 2018–2019 and information about it could be found on the Internet, then it very well could, assuming that the media you’re looking for is sufficiently popular enough for the AI to have encountered it during its training.
If the media in question first came into existence after 2019, then no, it does not.
Any attempts at simulating a specific character will heavily rely on fanfiction content, as there are (theoretically) more of it in the training data in regards to character interactions than it does from any other sources. Test AI’s knowledge yourself, it literally takes ~2 minutes to do.
No, you are a schizo if you think that. The AI has no intelligence of its own, it’s just a really, really good text predictor. Do take your meds daily.
No, there isn’t. Different people use different methods to get the desired outputs. Ultimately, how good AI is depends mostly on (You)r writing.
The same one you have chosen inside your “Settings”. Previously, GPT-2 was used for the first output of the story, that’s why you may have heard about using “filler inputs”. Since some undocumented update, this only applies to completely empty prompts. As long as you actually type anything inside that field, it won’t be an issue.
Many of the issues with the AI’s behavior can be caused by improper use of /remember & world info, high randomness, and clunky formatting/grammar. In other words, git gud.
Coomers need to manually disable Safe Mode in Settings.
The word ‘rape’ (this spelling and capitalization specifically) is prevented from being generated in the outputs. Reportedly, some slurs are also filtered out.
As a first response, try resetting your search index inside “Account” tab in “Settings” to restore them.
If that doesn’t do anything, try taking a break and waiting to see if it magically gets fixed along the line. Remember, AI Dungeon is updated live and intermittently, so always back up stories you are fond of as you MAY LOSE currently active adventures. If all else fails, the only thing that you can do is to put up a support ticket and pray that the devs can restore them somehow.
There isn’t. You just “Select All” on your story/prompt, “Copy” and “Paste” it into a text file.
Usage of the mobile app is discouraged as it is in a state of being constantly broken. Just use the mobile website instead.
The model was repeatedly violated by brute-forcing it to output CYOA text. To avoid seeing them, use descriptive prose, and stop using /do and /say.
There is a “Banned Words List” inside “Game” tab in “Settings”. It will prevent anyone from typing “svelk” in your multiplayer games AND reduce the amount of this word’s appearances. Take note that it will not cull the words inside it completely from outputs. Count Grey will still lurk in the shadows… Read up more on this here:
Yes, Dragon helps and is better than Griffin.
Dragon’s training data is more than 10x bigger than Griffin. It is the largest GPT-3 model currently with 175 billion parameters, known otherwise as DaVinci by OpenAI. Griffin is the second largest GPT-3 model at 13 billion parameters, known as Curie by OpenAI. This means that Dragon knows how to handle specific fetishes better, easier and in much more detail. See side-by-sides yourself:
There is a free trial available for it. Try it out and see if you like it.
No, $30 tier isn’t worth it unless you literally do nothing but use AID day in and day out.
First, GPT-3 requires incredibly expensive hardware to run, you being able to use it for private smut generation is a blessing already. Second, OpenAI overcharges its customers by driving their prices through the roof due to monopoly. Third, Latitude has no clue how to run their business, bleeding money where it could be avoided.
It’s a visual bug, you are still on Griffin. All old $5 subs are now called “Silver” and give access only to “Unlimited” Griffin. To use Dragon, you have to upgrade your plan.
To make your energy bar visible, toggle it in the settings menu under the “Display” tab in “Settings”. It is hidden by default. Set its appearance to “numbers” too to have a more accurate representation of how much of it you have left.
1 energy is depleted per action, BUT the first 2 /retry ARE free. That does not count if you /undo
and then hit enter, or if you edit any context information (i.e. your previous outputs and /remember, A/N, or World Info).
Energy refills 1 unit every 5 minutes until it reaches 100 (~8 hours), then 1 per 20 minutes until it caps out at 2000 (~26 days).
AIDS can be used to recharge energy (the only thing you should use them for), buying Worlds (read next question), and avatars.
Worlds are basically a pre-packaged World Info dump, consisting of location info, races, factions, classes, and exclusive world events that are random pre-generated happenings within the scenario. For more information on World Infos, see this section
No. Worlds are shit. Due to the AI’s limitations, it doesn’t handle massive settings well and is limited to about 1400 characters of context, which includes your /remember, World Info, and A/N. The devs don’t know how to use their own tech, so they somehow managed to create a playground where your starting /remember can reach up to more than 1000 of those characters, without even mentioning any of the World Info. What this means is that the World Info that you’re paying for is likely to NOT be put into context as it is cut off by the character limits. You are better off with writing your own settings.
The World Creation feature still has the previously discussed hard context limits, but a skilled writer can take it into consideration when trying to generate one. That being said, it is still recommended to just write a World on your own, as World Creation costs you AIDS to use. The general consensus is that the World Creation feature’s only recommended usage is to use it as an idea generator, as its randomised outputs may have interesting results.
The NPC Generator also uses AIDS to generate its results if you’re not doing things manually, and its randomised outputs can be a hard swing and a miss. It can be used as a repository of characters you would like to see frequently (say, for example, a recurring antagonist or companion), but it is still seen as inferior to keeping things saved in a text file.
See this section.
/do and /say garble your input, lowering the AI’s output quality drastically. Also, everything /do is capable of is easily achievable with /story, along with complete control over your input.
Write “you attempt to” to make the outcome of an action uncertain and add RNG.
Use /remember and World Info to maintain continuity and permanence in stories.
It’s a personal preference.
If you write your scenes as an actual prose and not as a shopping list, it literally does not matter. If you are a decent writer, you can experience kino outputs no matter what Tense, POV, dialect or quotation style you are using. Read this question again and get better at writing.
Author’s Note (A/N for short) is currently a premium only feature. HOWEVER! You can use it for free if you read the following sections. You either click the pin or type /remember to view it. Here is how it looks:
Text inside A/N field is injected 3 sentences above the last sentence of the output+input. It is not shown inside the main story text. But it is sent to the AI and it impacts its outputs drastically.
Kind anon made a script superseding the default A/N completely with new features. All users can use it, regardless if they know anything about programming. Read up on it here —
I suggest you carefully read through the documentation again. If you still don’t understand, read the next question.
file from the repo.
You can rename it to something like
so that it would not be overwritten by other scripts.state.authorsNote = "" // String for Author's Note.
Set something inside the quotes so that A/N will be active during the very first output (the one that happens once you click the ‘Play’ button .
state.authorsNote = "This a female sexual domination story." // String for Author's Note.
You type something like:
/an This a high fantasy story.
The protagonist wandered for days among the ruins —
This will set A/N to This a high fantasy story.
AND send The protagonist wandered for days among the ruins —
to the AI at the same time.
Type /anv
does not work.Users who reported these issues used Android app and /do mode. Use /story and web version (yes, even on the mobile).
If you are sure you followed every step correctly and it just refuses to work, ask in the thread about it; script’s creator is active in it.
There is a basic guide available for it. Read it to understand how it works.
No, they are not. Capitalization is used for logical understanding of information (it just makes sense to capitalize names, regardless whether there is a difference or not).
Spaces should be used for short or common words: cat ,pig ,key ,
If you do not use spaces in the above examples, words categorical
, pigment
, keyboard
will trigger a WI entry.
REMINDER! The usage of such common keys is not recommended, since any mention of a cat in your story would load WI entry associated with it. Unless your story will only ever have ONE cat in it, this will confuse the AI.
If you styled your WI entries like this: Emma, sister, Big Sis
the only case when WI entries would not load during usage would be a start of the paragraph.
Your sister¹ Emma¹ is very shy. Sister² — such a good thing to happen to you. Big Sis¹ looks after you on a daily basis.
Big Sis² loves you very much.
Emma² loves you unconditionally.
'Sister³ is such a good friend to me!' you think to yourself.
Here sister¹
, Emma¹
, Sister²
, Big Sis¹
, Emma²
trigger a relevant WI entry.
Big Sis²
and Sister³
do not trigger a WI entry.
If you think that warrants a massive respacing of all your WI entries across all of your previous prompts, go right ahead.
The spaces before commas are fine for short/common words (read this question again). Since adding a space after commas is grammatically correct, it was assumed that should be done for WI entries as well. The only thing to be said about not enunciating it enough in the thread is “AID never offered much documentation”. If your WI worked all this time despite this, it means it’s not as much of an issue as you might think.
Don’t use any programming/game formats. Write everything in normal English.
Short answer: they don’t work. There is no evidence they help, they leak into output and once they are criticized, their proponents respond with “It feels better to me”. Thus, it is recommended to use prose: if nothing else, the only leaking you’d have to worry is from repeated sentences.
Long answer would require a whole separate debunking article. Once that will be written, the link to it will be here.
They were written by different people during different periods of time, with each author having his own approach to AID. Try both methods and see which one works for (You).
All information (besides GPT-2 for the first output) inside it still holds true to this very day. The fact that it predates Author’s Note does not negate its usefulness.
HTML version is intended for mobile devices and browsers without the PDF viewer.
If you don’t like the guide’s visual look, port/change it however you want and submit a PR.
See this question.
He is the creator of AI Dungeon 2.
Mostly out of spite for his incompetent handling of the Colab version. Even though it’s old history now, it’s just a ton of fun to use that nickname. If you actually think it’s offensive and malicious, I recommend talking to actual people more, instead of lashing out at “4chan hackers”.
No, it was not. We are people interested in AID prosperity the most. Any claims saying 4chan threads carry ill intent towards AID and Latitude are propaganda.
The Lovecraft model was an AI model that was fine-tuned to the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Due to it being tuned to actual literature, it manages to avoid the pitfalls of the usual fantasy CYOA works that the vanilla AID is trained upon, and is thus far more eloquent and suited for generating passages. However, it was taken down due to its cost and/or the lack of interest by the plebeians of the community. We are hoping to bring it back by voting on it in the suggestions page here: No, it will not turn Count Grey into niggerman.