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6.2.2. Pacing
Pacing is also quite straightforward, but is something that a lot of AI Dungeon
users let escape them as they are crafting inputs.Without reinforcing a sense of pacing to
the AI, any sort of erotic writing you attempt will easily collapse in less than 10 actions,
without fail. The AI does not hesitate to begin and end encounters incredibly quickly,
which is one of the loudest and most common complaints from users attempting to
conduct erotic writing with the AI for the first time. Users will begin a scene, the AI will
generate a single instance of “I’m gonna
”, and like that it’s over. The remedy is quite
simple—adding temporal language to your inputs that signals to the AI that things are
moving on a slower time line. The more drawn-out your sentences are, and the more
temporal language you include, the better the AI will be at slowing things down and
fixating on the juicy details. To use our shirt example from the previous subsection, you
would add pacing by simply adding “slowly” and “teasingly” to the sentence, making
it “You slowly slide your shirt off your body to teasingly reveal your torso”. Since both
of these words indicate something done carefully and without speed, the AI will pick
up on that and spend more time detailing the process. This consideration is never bul-
letproof however, and one of your perennial battles as a smut writer with AI Dungeon
will be fighting the AI’s hair trigger for concluding smut in 10 actions or less. As a gen-
eral rule of thumb, the more specific details you add to any given action, the slower the
pace of the scene is going to be, and vice versa. The AI’s penchant for mimicry will kick
in and keep things on a slower timeline if it’s trying to imitate you specifying how every
single article of clothing comes off in fine detail.
6.2.3. Guidance
Guidance is your third consideration, and one of the most important for really
digging into that deeper layer of quality smut. In short, guidance is all about where
your actions are going, what they’re trying to lead to next; guidance is the consideration
of the future through your inputs. It’s quite similar to the process of considering your
intentions with an action, except this time you should be considering what a given input
is supposed to be doing in order to set up the next action—whether that next action is
coming from you or the AI does not matter.
Bringing back our trusty shirt example once more, we already have a pretty solid
input in the form of “You slowly slide your shirt off your body to teasingly reveal your
torso”. And while revealing your torso is already what the next action is likely to be
about, say we want to specifically focus on revealing our character’s abs. That’s your
guidance, right there. Injecting it is as easy as changing the input to “You slowly slide
your shirt off your body to teasingly reveal your torso, pulling away the fabric inch by
inch to direct attention to your abs”. Through this process, we have easily signalled to
the AI where it needs to focus its predictions regarding the next action—which is what
guidance is all about.
Just like that, the AI has a lengthy sentence full of slowed-down language and
detail, with a clear idea of what to immediately focus on, and then what to focus
on next.